2024 Speakers

Brandon Chick

National Director, Public Sector


Brittany Hendricks


State of Illinois

Candi Jones

First Deputy Director of Human Resources

City of Philadelphia

Dessie Calihou

Director of HR

Dunn County, North Dakota

Dianna Giordano

Director of Human Resources & Civil Service

City of Fort Worth

Drew Russo

Personnel Director

City of Lynn

Erick Allen

Principal, Thought Leadership and Advisory Services


Holly Moyer

Assistant Human Resources Director

City of Fort Worth Council

Kelly Hardwick

Executive Director

Mississippi State Personnel Board

Keri Pharris

Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer

Kern County

Lana Dale

Program Director

Hanson Wade

LaShaun Carter

Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer

Mecklenburg County

Leslie Marant

Former Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer

City of Philadelphia Police Department

Linsey Fagan

Senior Talent Strategy Advisor


Maria Mastrokyriakos

Senior Human Resources Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Analyst

City and County of San Francisco

Marilyn Leamer

Human Resource Director

Saline County

Megan Avalos

Deputy Director - Human Resources

City of Phoenix

Melissa Knight


Pitkin County

Michael Zaccagni

Chief Human Resource Officer

City of Philadelphia

Monty Bell

Head of HR

San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

Natalie Fischer

Director of Human Resources

City of Salina

Robert Neiuber

Senor Human Resources Director

City of Rancho Cucamonga

Sheridan Richards

Chief People Officer

City of Little Rock

Shon Buford

Assistant Deputy Chief, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

San Francisco Fire Department

Thomas Joseph

Sr Talent Dev Specialist

State of Missouri

Tristin Sullivan-Leppa

Director of Employee and Retiree Benefits

City of Phoenix