Discover: ServiceNow’s Gen AI: Driving Excellence in HR Service Delivery

Time: 3:10 pm
day: Day One


  • The world is abuzz with the potential of Gen AI, but in many cases the reality doesn’t match the hype. ServiceNow is changing that, leveraging Gen AI and Machine Learning to automate and optimize a wide range of HR services like:
  • HR case management for use cases like benefits inquiries, payroll questions, leaves of absence, ADA accommodation and countless others 24×7 self-service to allow employees to access help any time, any place it’s needed for real-time, accurate information Knowledge management, building informative articles automatically based on a survey of case histories and their resolution
  • Attendees of this session will learn how Gen AI will give time back to overworked HR teams for strategic workforce planning while enhancing employee experience and driving better, faster outcomes.
